When Sam and Mike first inquired with us and told us they were getting married in Paris, we were like, “Hell yeah!” This couple was (is) our dream clients; beautiful inside and out, fun to the core, expressive, gracious and appreciative… and they were getting married in Paris. Now, before we get too carried away here, we are talking about Paris, Ontario, not Paris, France (a small detail). You may think we’re being facetious here, but we’re not. Whether the wedding is taking place in the most ‘romantic’ city in the world, or cute little Paris, Ontario… it has nothing do with the feeling and excitement we get while photographing the joining together of two lives, two families.
Sam and Mike’s families invited us into their celebration like we were long time friends. We partook, we partied, we drank, we danced, we got our lightstand knocked over by a flying dildo (a big purple one), and we shot (photographed) our hearts out. There was never a moment without a ‘moment’ for us to capture. At times there were so many crazy moments, it was hard to decide which to focus on. Any photographer will know this is a good problem to have at any wedding. Sam and Mike, thank you for bringing us to Paris! 🙂 We love you, and we loved capturing all the emotions of your wedding day.
And a special thank you to Mike Morby, for travelling all the way up from Philadelphia to help us out on this one!