The result of any creative process is just the tip of an iceberg that we can’t begin to understand or appreciate. The art we look at, the poems we read, the music we listen to; it’s not creativity, it’s the result of creativity. The process from which it was produced is rarely considered, and even more rarely exposed. But that’s where the magic is. And that’s where Two Mann U shines it’s most important spotlight – not on the results, but on the process that gets us there.
Here are the results from one of many demonstration shoots at Two Mann U. With a film crew recording our each and every move, thought, and mistake, 350 photographers from around the world were able to watch and judge us fumble our way into making each and every one of these photos (and many more). We struggled as we always do, we problem-solved on the fly, we messed up, we doubted ourselves, we did what we do.
Natalie and Dave were perfect because they were not perfect (which was poetically perfect). They’re a real couple, with real connection, and real awkwardness.
The locations were not perfect – we had to work around all kinds of distractions and challenges.
The process was not perfect (as 2MU students witnessed). It was not pretty – it was messy, it was arduous, it was hilarious. It was real.
The results are not perfect. But we hope they show Natalie and Dave what we saw in them – a super fun couple, high on life and love, and up for anything. And we hope the process showed our students what we see in them: Untapped potential beyond their wildest dreams.